Sex Therapy for Los Angeles, CA

Sex Therapy Equals Healthy Sex

Sex Therapy Equals Healthy Sex

Society has many spoken and unspoken rules and myths about sex so it is no wonder that sex and sexual expression are as complex as our individuality.  In some ways arousal patterns are akin to the varied patterns of snowflakes; snowflakes are all snow but no two are exactly alike. As a psychotherapist my sex therapy practice is about facilitating a return to, or an awakening of, healthy sex for both couples and individuals.  Regardless of positions, low libido, high libido, or other mitigating factors healthy sex is about connection and unhealthy sex is about shame.

You deserve to have a happy and healthy sex life. With Gretchen Mattox, LMFT, CMAT, CSAT located in Los Angeles, CA, you can cultivate healthy behaviors and habits that will benefit every aspect of all your relationships.

With empathetic sex therapy, Gretchen Mattox can help you notice patterns and behaviors that may be hindering your well-being and offer advice on how to cultivate happiness and sexual congruency.

Empathetic Sex Therapy That You Deserve

Find hope and healing with the help of Gretchen Mattox, LMFT, CMAT, CSAT. Her personalized services can help with any issues you might be experiencing in your sex life and help you change current thought patterns and behaviors that are likely contributing to unwanted frustrations and emotional pain; as defenses fall away clients often report they are able to move into a fuller and more satisfying expression of their sexuality.

Everyone deserves to have a happy love life, and sex therapy with the help of Gretchen Mattox can get you started on the path to more fulfilling relationships.

Do you struggle with?

-ED/ Erectile Dysfunction

-Porn or Sex Addiction

-Compulsive sexual behavior

-Low Libido

-Mismatched libidos in your coupleship

-Sexual abuse




-Rapid Ejaculation

-Feeling sexually shut down or stuck in destructive relationship patterns


If you answered yes to any of the above or have concerns about your sex life, sex therapy may be right for you.


If you want to know more about sex addiction:


What to expect from sex therapy:

My office is a shame free zone. Many clients report feeling lighter even after an initial session; secrets and sexual shame create a debilitating weight that ultimately colors multiple aspects of life. It has been said that having sex is like riding a bike, yet we have to learn how to ride a bike and when it comes to sex we are just supposed to know what to do.  Sex therapy leads to better sex, better connections with ourselves and others, and more energy to pursue life’s abundance.


If you have further questions or would like to set up an appointment, please contact my office by form or phone (310) 612-8590. I look forward to speaking with you and seeing you in my practice.

Contact me or setup an Appointment Request